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Our Story

The motorcycling industry across North America has been growing extensively throughout recent years and boy are we glad to see it! With the growing number of bikes on the road comes the growing variety of people riding them, and that's the point - It doesn't matter who you are, it's always easier when someone else is doing the quality work for you.


Let us keep you safe.


We think about motorcycles as often as we repair them - and, thanks to you, we repair them a lot. We grew up riding and have fond memories of ripping through the local quarries on little Honda z50's, just down the road from where we sit some 30 years later.


We've talked for many years about opening a shop and, after a bit too long spent working for THE MAN, we agreed it was time. So, we went to school, got the grades, found a spot close to home and did the damn thing! Now we're able to run things our way and be there for our customers the way we know we can.


To us, there are just two kinds of people in this world: those who ride, and those who don't; and we like y'all just the same.

Corey - Owner/Lead Mechanic

Corey is our lead mechanic with a lifetime of familiarity and love for bikes of all makes and models. He also has an extensive background in woodworking and metal fabrication so whataya need? He's got it.
- Five thousand Yamaha XS 650's [All defunct, depending who you ask]
- 2015 Yamaha Bolt 950cc

Jon - Owner/Technician

A long time friendly creative hobo, Jon loves rust. He's travelled many a lands to find rust, returning home each time with something someone told him couldn't be brought back to life. Bring him your rust.
- A few too many (he disagrees) 1960's project Hondas
- 1984 Honda Shadow 750cc rat project
- 2009 Honda CRF 230cc

Dani - Owner/Sales & Operations

With nearly twenty years of experience in various managing positions, she's your go-to-gal for sales and service management.
- 1982 Yamaha Virago [Defunct]
- 2022 Honda Rebel 500cc